About Koncept With years of manufacturing and industrial design
experience, the founders established Koncept in 2002 to design
and develop innovative products for home and business. The company
has since developed a line of elegant LED lamps and lighting
elements with the discriminating consumer in mind. Not only
have consumers embraced Koncept's lighting for home and office,
the designs have gained national and international attention.
Products include the Z-Bar, Z-Bar Slim, Z-Bar Mini, Z-Bar Solo,
Z-Bar Solo Mini, Equo, Mosso Pro, Gravy, Lady7, Mr. n, Mr. GO!,
Mr. N Tall, Royyo Desk, Splitty, Splitty Reach, Z-Bar Gen 4,
Z-Bar Solo Gen 4, Z-Bar Mini Gen 4, Floor Models, Desk Top Models,
Tono, Sobre, UCX Pro, Royyo Pendant, Z-Bar Triangle, Z-Bar Square,
Z-Bar Honeycomb, Z-bar Bird, Z-Bar Rise Square, Z-Bar Rise Rectangle,
Z-Bar Cross, Z-Bar Trio, Z-Bar Linear, Z-Bar Rectangle, Sub
Pendant, Sub Pendant Circular 3, Sub Pendant Circular 6, Horizontal
Acoustic Panels, Vertical Acoustic Panels, Z-Bar Quad Star,
Z-Bar Tri-Star, Z-Bar Pendant Crown, Gravy Wall Sconce, Spitty
Wall Mounted, Z-Bar Mini Wall Mounted, Z-Bar Solo Wall Mounted,
Mosso Pro Wall Mounted, Ramen Wall Sconce, Z-Bar Wall Sconce,
Peanuts Gravy Wall, Peanuts Ramen Wall and more.